New Animated Score for DabbledooMusic
The latest animated score for DabbledooMusic. This one encourages classes to play along with Pachelbel's canon (now in C Maj). This type of animated score is at the extreme end of the scale in terms of performer interpretation. It is designed for specific learning goals and so needs to be strict in terms of rhythm and pitch.
It does still show how effective animated notation can be in getting large groups of people of take part in group performance with no rehearsal or proir experience. This is helped by the encouragement of a some hiphop and old soul break samples and the keys playing of Johnny "jazz cat" Taylor.
It does still show how effective animated notation can be in getting large groups of people of take part in group performance with no rehearsal or proir experience. This is helped by the encouragement of a some hiphop and old soul break samples and the keys playing of Johnny "jazz cat" Taylor.